Tuesday 12 March 2013

Exhibition Theme 'Hares'

   WORKING ON THEME for WLT Gallery for next month.......MARCH /APRIL

   As discussed in a previous  blogg i am now working on the theme of Hares for the next exhibition 
 i have spent time researching using  secondary source images also a helpful website ......http://www.countrysideinfo.co.uk/devon_bap/hare.htm this gives details of the enviroment that hares live in .

continued work on a collograph and lino cut ..........Time Management...

Having compleatd the collograph a final coat of varnish has been added to prepare the work for print (three Coats in all) On Monday 11th i will do a number of white on white prints at UCS 
also using my sketch book resource of images I have worked on producing a lino cut of a Hare at the moment this is a back up incase the collagraph fails !!! as time is nearing for new WORLD LAND TRUST exhibition and ...... dead lines!!
THE LINOCUT is of the hares head .....I am finding my images of hares are quite carahcature they evoke the essence of HARE!! and have a Humour about them i seem to emphasis features such as form shape which focusses on the eyes ears and body movement  i hope they go down ok.

Images here.......

MONDAY UCS PRINTING UP .......................

I spent time today printing up the images of the collograph 
  1. four images white ink on white paper (these i have had to do early as they need to dry for the week before i add  the next colour that blends in with the dried white. 
  2. four black ink  images i wanted to do these to see what the image will look like when printed off. feel confident that white ink will turn out well......................
  3. Also did a couple of white on white prints from linocut as an experiment 
  4. Now images are inked up will leave to dry till next week 

   Tuesday 12th March 

    Gallery invigilating at World Land Trust.....

Taking my images in to show Kelly how I am getting on with the next exhibitions theme she was happy with the progress and about how i had captured the essence of hare rather.
Also discussed how i felt more confident this week in dealing with the public when it came to transactions using the electronic card holder and writing out invoices there are two main invoice books one for larger sales of Art work the other for cards books small sale items . today again i was involved with the public discussing the exhibition and selling smaller items of the goods Also got talking to an elderly gentleman about a book on Moths that he has loaned to WLT

A discussion with Kelly............................

In ten days time the exhibition at present will be coming to an end i discussed with kelly if there was a chance for me to get involved so as to see how the Gallery functions and the process of an ending exhibition and a New one commencing begins due to working on the tuesday it looks like there is a good chance of getting involved with this side of gallery experience so i feel this will be advantagous
to join in.
SOON i will be given the opportunity to speak with JOHN who is the head of WLT about how he would envisage the Landscape work that i am doing as a commission for next month.....

Today also i have continued to research  and make notes on Chico Mendes a brazilian whos cause was to use  peaceful forms of resistance and  protest  for the rights of the indigenous peoples in the brazilian rain forest and also to protect the forests from further destruction, His dream was ...to see the entire forest conserved as conservation guaranteed  the future of all people  and the ecosystem 

He became the trade union leader  and received the GLOBAL prize from the united nations. 

image of chico

DRAWINGS i am working also on a drawing of Chico as part of my visual practice. 

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