Tuesday 25 October 2022

COP 27 Earth Art Display

A whole year has past since COP26, and now COP27 is upon us. A new Earth Art display is on show at the Library -local creatives sharing various points of view - our love of nature, the ecological precarity of many species and concerns over the future impacts that any further unresolved climate change issues would unleash. Scientist's say there is still time...Sharing through poetry, quotes and visual art, in conjunction with COP27 - to be held in Egypt this November, Earth Art display is a reminder that we can engage as community. Alone one can have a sense of being helpless- whereas together through sharing comes a sense of hope, unity, momentum and resilience. We share to create a sense we are not alone in our understanding of the challenges we face. To quote Albert Camus, " In the depth of winter I found in me an invinsible summer." In our driven deadlined hectic exsistance, it seems we've barely time to draw a breath or even take a moment to take in that a new season has arrived. Here in the UK, leaves are turning from lime to deep green, into many colours and shades of amber, golden yellows and vibrant reds. Its season most welcome, its a time for nature to rest and restore. As Autumn draws in I'm reminded of Albert Camus insightful quote, "Autumn is the second spring where every leaf is a Flower. As we watch COP27 unfold may those in positions of governance bring about positive change for the good of the whole in times of precarity.
Intresting insight by Eckhart Tolle resonated, he says; When you perceive nature only through the mind, through thinking, you cannot sense its aliveness, its beingness. You see the form only and are unaware of the life within the form - the sacred mystery. Thought reduces nature to a commodity to be used in the pursuit of profit or knoweledge or some other utilitarian purpose.The ancient forest becomes timber, the bird a research project, the mountain something to be mined or conquered....in a sense this reminds me, we are so much more than our tangled maze of concepts. (ref Eckhart Tolle,ch,nature, pg 81, Stillness Speaks.( yellow kite books)
DisplacedCollage and Acrylic, yf
Humankind We Are But One Thread, yf. Below are the works of Mandy.E. Meraylah.A. and M.A Mum. More to be added.... Image 1- Earth Angel, painting, by M.A. Image 2- Blessing Stick painted, Bird image by A.E. Image 3 - Painting of a Buttefly by M.A mum

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Ecologically inspired Art.

As a human being, I am completely completely connected to nature. My existence, my life, my culture – is the natural environment. My survival and my creativity depend on it. The knowledge about the destruction of environment pushed me into a huge rebellion, which I express through my work. For over forty years, I have been working, fighting, and condemning the acts of destruction. franz Krajcberg 1921-2017 ref1 find below.

A collection of ecologically inspired art works.

The Displaced- Charcoal yf
My interest in environmental issues started back in 2012. Before that time I was unaware of the detrimental impact humans were having on the natural environment.A shift in my understanding occured as a 2nd year art student- working with the environmental organisation- The World land Trust; their aims were to protect forests and endangered species through the buying of land and co-working alongside indigenous peoples within particular eco-systems. The realization that human activity was causing irreversible damage to the Amazon rainforest had a significant impact on my understanding, it also challenged my humancentric conditioning - and certain perceptions toward the rest of nature. At the same time I was introduced to the profound eco-works of Polish-Brazilian artist Franz Krajcberg, who,taking charred remains of forest wood, created powerfully poigniant visual installations out of them.Franz had lived in Brazil after experiencing the horrors of the 2nd World War.He stated that living with nature, in the forests... "gave him back his humanity," Yet,as his knowledge and perceptions of mans exploitation of the Rainforests grew, he begain to work tirelessly to draw attention to the devastation caused by human activity through his work and through his eco-activism.His eco-quotes remain timeless and inspirational.

The culmination of the above insights and 
experiences have
Medium experiments yf
 continued to both challenge and motivate. I find ongoing inspiration for creating eco-art through my understanding of the subject matter- current, ecologically engaged topics- via books and environmental courses- then to combine the knowledge creatively through using a multiple variety of art mediums and techniques.   

watercolour ecosystems
Through themed projects I explore the important role that ecosystems play for a healthy,thriving and sustainable life on our planet.To recognise and acknoweledge the muitifaceted intelligence of other life forms within nature - which is so easily overlooked by humans in our urbanised settings. However the reoccuring theme that remains is based on my ongoing preoccupation - the impact of human activity and the consequences that are incurred onto wildlife and Habitats. 

Humans-We Are But One Part. yf
Three eco-books I'm presently re-reading are: The Sacred Balance, by David Suzuki, The Web of Meaning, by Jeremey Lent, and Deep Ecology, by George Sessions... Each highlighting various aspects; the intrinsic value of nature, the amazing ability of the natural world renewing,recycling capacity within ecosystems,the elements of earth, air, water, all sustaining and balancing without the adverse polluting we presently experience  -  resulting from human activities Does it seem that we have lost our bearings in our endeavour to create our humancentric world?... I found reading The Pattening Instinct, also, by Jeremy Lent very insightful- The author drew on  17th C history, its preoccupations,values and belief systems- that saw nature only as a resource for human benefits alone- they somehow now seem to be outmoded. Lets hope we can move toward working with nature and learn how to thrive in a ecologiclly sustainable way - for future generations and our beautiful planet.

Franz Krajcberg, creative, Eco- Activist 

Our planet is in a grave situation. Nature is revengeful, and we harm it too much. We mustn't remain passive Franz Krajcberg - ref 2 found below

https://culture.pl/en/artist/frans-krajcberg ref 1 & 2

Monday 25 April 2022

Rewilding... for Pollinators.

Rewilding....for Busy Pollinators 

Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. Chief Seattle- Chief of the Suquamish & Duwamish peoples. mid 1800.

Altered Perceptions, Photograph
 Manipulation. yf 2017, Abstaction of nature.

Honey Bee, Etching 2014
Inspired by COP26, culminating in the fourth eco-project, our Earth art local  creatives collaboration commences 1st-13th May. The intention to gain a deepening awarness of the impact that toxic pesticides and herbicides currently have on pollinators - Bees, birds and butterflies,when chemicals are used to manipulate natural habitats. Unfortunatley the act is detrimental to the very systems we also depend.Themed images include,various artworks, a bee hive installation on honey beekeeping, quotes and poetry.

The project also encourages people in the local community to participate by taking away a sunflower plant to grow for pollinators over the summer months - cultivating an awarness albeit "small" yet encourages positive meaningful action. We hope for a further  collage display to be held, sharing community Sunflower images in the autumn.

Images of art works below....

Amanda Erienbach Blessing stick

Installation of sunflower plants,wild seeds and quotes

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Vital role of Trees - Third Earth Collaboration

"I believe that the critical elements of this sacred life and living Earth story lives in the human heart. Largely unspoken, however, it has little public presence. To guide our path to a viable prosperous human future, it must become our shared public story. This is our opportunity to make it so". David Korten. (Pg 31) ref - Change The Story, Change The Future. Berrett-koeler, publishers,Inc. ( An optimistic inspiring read)

                                                   ************* "                                                            

Home to Roost YF

Trees - their vital role in keeping our ecosystems thriving, balanced and healthy. Our third, recent display on trees is on show at the Halesworth Library. As Earth Collaborators our main focus has been to creatively share the awesomeness and importance of thriving ecosystems. By engaging with the multifaceted impact of human activity on ecosystems, we consider ways to have   responsible, positive, and ethically sustainable ways to interact with the natural world that sustains us.  

By endeavouring  to develop a deeper appreciation of the vital importance of ecosystems - to consider ecosystems intrinsic value in and of themselves- rather than just resources for human consumption. Through an array of  creativity - art works, poetry, quotes we focus on the dynamic role of trees... cultivating a deeper awarness of our dependence on our planets ecosystems for the wellbeing of the whole of which we are an intrinsic part.

 Local Group "Winter light," have created a nature trail for people to participate in, in connection with the Library display.

Below are some of the works on display......More to be added! Thanks for visiting - much appreciated...( clicking on the images magnifies the detail)

Anna Pearson- part of Silk screen -Oak leaves.Anna is inspired by textures and patterns ....an aspect seen in her work.

                                                                      Anna Pearson, Silk Screen ,Oak leaves

Part of the Tree display- Halesworth
Library Feb/March 2022

Amanda Erinbach's, Blessing Stick, the beauty of forms captured 
within this painted driftwood - Inspirational.

                                Ruben Perkins - painting, Woodpecker on a Branch-                                                                                wild life habitats sustained by trees. Symbiotic cycles.

Anna Badar, Oak Tree , the natural beauty
-Earths seasonal cycles, revealing
Earths sacred harmony

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Letters To The Earth - Local Event

Lao Tzu - Taoist Sage 600 BCE 

Do you want to improve the world?. I don't think it can be done.

The world is sacred.

It can't be improved.

If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.

If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.   Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching, verse 29

Translated by Steven Mitchell -Published by Frances Lincoln Ltd. 2013

What is deep ecology?  It can be understood as nature having intrinsic value in and of itself...rather than being a resource and commodity for human consumption alone.

Letters To The Earth.

Mid December we commenced with our next EARTH Collaboration, "Letters To The Earth."  Originally initiated and inspired by Designer Vivienne Westwood. Resonating with many the Letters idea has gained a huge following, creating momentum toward the climate debates held at COP26. Countless thousands of letters have been written in the forms of poems, quotes and images concerning the global ecological crisis.  And responding to the then COP26 conference in Glasgow Scotland : October-November 21. The inspirational "Letters" idea has resonated with many globally....

Our own local responses to "Earth Letters" emerged from the challenges and the initial outcomes of the COP26 event. Yet more needs to be addressed. In collaboration with a group of local people we started the next venture. Hiring the local library display window again to encourage the public to write their own "Letters To The Earth." below are images, poems, haikus and letters. We are grateful to"The Letters to Earth" team for their generous gesture of facilitation - enabling people to use their resources. We gained valuable insight into cultivating ideas and using them for a local display. Many more images may be added as time goes on.....

Meraylah Allwoods, painterly creations are stunning ethereal miniatures, Here enlarged She uses imagery as a way of expressing her deep connections to nature, the elements and seasons.Dwelling on a small holding. Meraylah  uses methods of perma-culture when growing fruit and vegtables. This sustainable endeavour is a holistic approach, responsibly and ethically working with the land and natural environment.
This particular image, Earth Angel, is a beautiful example and depiction of that interconnection Meraylah experiences. The image centering on a serene cosmos style figure, whose loving embrace emulates a sense of care, being at one with the whole of nature, at one with all life forms on planet Earth. Meraylah incorporated a poem circling the figure, Earth Angel was  the central image for our "Letters To The Earth"  display.

If you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere- Vincent Van Gogh.

Library window displaying various creative works. Nearest image - a solitary oak tree silhouetted against a vibrant horizon, by Anna Badar. Anna's work emanates a serene, atmospheric quality, the light creating a sense of hope for deepening our connections to Earth. Anna is inspired by her Buddhist practice and from, the teachings of Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh,; his book, Love Letter to the Earth, is part of Anna's work in the display.

"Everyone of us regardless of nationality or faith can experience a feeling of admiration and love when we see the beauty of earth and the beauty of the cosmos." Thich Nhat Hanh pg 82, Love letter to The Earth., Parallax press. 

Trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky- Khalil Gibran.

This stunning sculptural work was created - Mandy's inspired experience shared here...Shortly after the Ist Lockdown, walking along the beach I found myself drawn to the bleach discarded sticks cast by the waves - As I walked back through the marsh, I had a feeling of being a young boy taking sticks back to his tribe- When I got home I began to paint the sticks. Embracing discarded nothing and transforming it through the human touch into somthing. I offer the sticks as a blessing to Grandmother earth and all her worlds with gratitude for the gifts we receive from them. Amanda Erienbach.

This beautiful sculptural image - a globe shaped willow work entwined with the beauty of natures stores found feathers, shells and ivy leaves. A willow work by designer, Diane Robinson, who makes lovely willow work - bird feeders and nest boxes etc.. It's great to have some willow craft, using intentionally sustainable and locally resourced materials.

This beautiful imagery was inspired by living creatures of our natural  habitats... beautifully crafted by Chris Silver,  this image looks like a real butterfly. Chris's watercolour paintings are intricate stunning life like replicas - A part of the wild species in our world ...we want to see protected...As Aldo Leopold stated ...we ( Humans) are a part of  this sacred web of life - Yet our present dominion ever-increasing,  highlights our alienation....Hope combined with positive actions lie  in our restoration of  the wild places.


The Night Runners 

Not quite prepared
for things auspicious
we press the small Skoda
east along the river road
bound for a sing-up,some
cake and verses to herald
in the winter solstice...

And we collide almost,
wide-eyed in the darkness
with a leash of five young hinds
their wetted pelts a-shine
bright silver in the halogen;
all that is grace and beauty
etched on the north wind

So soon they melt away
to leave us wanting,
empty and bereft, thirsty
for more, a further taste 
on this road or some other;
a final sip perhaps
before the cup is dry.

Mike Bannister.

A Haiku 
Eastern Sun Rising 
Bird Song Wakens Slumbering Earth
Red Berries On Twigs. yf

Up coming Event starts in February half term we focus on trees and their intrinsic place on our planet. Art poems stories and nature trails will be on display!