"TRaNsFEReREnCe"100 Artists ShOW,
The Bi- annual 2019 show is under way!...Having applied to join the collaboration a 100 artists now commence to create art from sheets of dry transfer lettering, we have been given a wide range of typography lettering, all shapes and sizes including numbers. These transfers are old therefore leave no guarantee they will function. The sheets can be traced,scanned, photographed and used as tools for inspiration !! ? &...;'
The event happens with curating the show, which commences on August 15th 2019 at The Halesworth Gallery, Suffolk. P. V. happening on Friday 16th August.
What I enjoy about this event is that each artists ideas will be varied and diverse. Each bringing into the collaboration their own interpretations and meanings...from these dry letter transfers.
The intention is to use ideas from my project work Organik Planet 2030. By reusing old discarded art works - recycling them into new works.The old dry transfers adding to the idea of creating something new from discarded man made materials....
Here are some of the dry lettering and a recycled art work.
Exploring ideas by adding the dry transfer lettering words Aldo Leopold , 1949, eco-systems, community, etc relating to Leopolds book
part of unfinished work acrylicpaint, recycled art and dry lettering 2019 by yvonne marie forster |
These ideas are still evolving ...eventually I hope to create one piece of artwork from all the small squares not sure how large presently , probably some where between 9 and 18 the final piece is not to exceed 1500mm....
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