Thursday 30 June 2016

Continuing Rainforest project works

Hello and welcome at the moment I am working on another detailed piece of work as part of project Rainforest...along with the images are nature quotes I hope will in someway inspire....

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”
— Rachel Carson  ref (1)

Working on a final water colour for Rainforest project

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
— John Muir (2)

photographs taken at the Eden Project 2015 yf

Thursday 16 June 2016

Halesworth Gallery- information behind the work

The power of plants.

“I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. I remember where a toad may live and what time the birds awaken in the summer -- and what trees and seasons smelled like (........). The memory of odors is very rich.”
John Steinbeck, East of Eden ref (3)

The Periwinkle yf 2016
The Periwinkle Plant yf
Here I work on part of an image that depicts the amazing diversity found in the Rainforest....I feel passionate about the inclusion of factual accounts within the work and this on going project ... By incorporating in this case the Periwinkle  - the derivatives within this plant have been found to have medicinal qualities and are being used in forms of childhood Luekemia ...So many plants still yet to be discovered with medicinal qualities.(1)

I am hoping to encourage the viewer to consider the effects upon wildlife, fauna, and indigenous people concerning the felling and burning down of a succession of Rainforests...the arguments for deforestation concerning the use for land in agriculture or cattle seem somewhat perplexing as the soil holds no sustenance and evidence suggests it is barren not fertile therefore once forests are felled the land literally in effect becomes a waste land (2)

In Chico Mendes book "Fight For The Forest" It states due to the millennia of time and the ancient rock masses (being the oldest on earth) the ancient soil is infertile...The expanse of time over which the Rainforest grew on this barren soil is more about the layers of thick dense spongy residues of moss and years of decomposing vegetation - this seems to be what and where the forests nutrition is more dependent on - a continuing process ( paraphrased into own words pg 40 - (3) -the cycle of life
then continues.

Part of Chico Mendes and The Brazil Nut tree, yf

The personal journey of understanding factual information being presented is part of my own development -this project I acknowledge is an on going journey of discovery and learning.

George Orwell
“A thing which I regret, and which I will try to remedy some time, is that I have never in my life planted a walnut. Nobody does plant them nowadays—when you see a walnut it is almost invariably an old tree. If you plant a walnut you are planting it for your grandchildren, and who cares....... for his grandchildren?”
George Orwell ref (4)

Acknowledgement's : (1)
Fight For The Forest- Chico Mendes in his own words, Latin America Bureau (Research and Action) Ltd, 1989 Additional Material Tony Gross
Edited by Duncan Green
Translated by Chris Whitehouse (2-3) ref (3 & 4)

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Halesworth Gallery- VIEWING CHANGE

Journey towards the 'Viewing Change' art Exhibition continues...

I heard from Ron and Cathy today, who are also focusing on the nearing show, Ron sent me some images so I could share his works on this blog Ron is busy preparing and finishing off his art works too...Hoping at some point I can take photos of the exhibition is one of  outside of the building

Here are some of Ron's works he sent to me to share- these colourful, serene, calming rural settings are interesting and engaging images which allow us time to reflect and consider the passing of time in rural settings - a view ... a capturing of a moment in time   

Tea at the De La Warr By Ron Hellen

Shadingfield Church and Post Box 1 By Ron Hellen

White Horse Cherhill 2016 By Ron Hellen

Peter has also sent me a beautiful  abstract painting, a recently completed work to share with you. Peter is also focusing on the exhibition now.  We will be considering and planning our allotted spaces...the Gallery is situated in an upper space with three good sized rooms it is a beautiful historical building with wooden beams and brick work surround.

Sutton Hoo 2 By Peter Jon Fowler 2016

Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes - every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man. Orison Swett Marden

Read more at:

At the moment I am hoping to finish two final watercolour paintings which I hope to show as a contrast to my main a attempt to convey the rich diversity within the Rainforest ecosystems ............. here are images of the process towards completing this work; I researched and drew together photo images and from my own experiences after visiting the Eden Projects Rainforest Biome 2015 - the work is slightly under A2 size........I also used a  recent smaller version painting as a reference .

To be poor and be without trees, is to be the most starved human being in the world. To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die

Sunday 5 June 2016


The earth has its music for those who will listen...George Stanyanar (1)

“Not just beautiful, though—the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me.”
—Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore (1)

Hello!, time is drawing nearer towards the date for our exhibition at the end of July and a lot of personal deadlines are being worked through behind the scenes, stuff I thought maybe of interest in someway...there are plenty of learning curves on this journey too!

The theme's title 'Viewing Change' focuses on how each artist perceives and then documents the world around him, through the mediums of paintings, drawings and sculptures, I would like to share the culmination, evolving of the processes of this journey so far... 

We met early on in 2016 at the Halesworth Gallery where groups of artists were introduced and various themes for exhibitions were discussed. Ron, Peter and I unanimously decided Viewing Change seemed apt for the works we produce. I have the pleasure of working with Ronald Hellen and Peter Fowler, both artists works focus on the aspects of viewing the changing world.
Ron's focus is on capturing atmospheres peculiar to buildings, landscape scenes and locations.
Peter's interest lays in the effects upon land when coastal erosion occurs, his works often made en plein air. Peter also works in studios in London.
My ongoing project focuses on capturing the effects of fire deforestation in the Amazon and ecological consequences including on indigenous people, wildlife and fauna. I was greatly inspired and challenged about deforestation when doing an art student placement with The World Land Trust.  
'Viewing Change' it seemed apt for the work we produce and that it captures the essence of our outlook on the changing landscapes of our world both close to home and far away. Here is the catalogue....

image Ronald hellen

You can browse Ron and Peters beautiful works and their ideas though following the links below......

At the moment I am working on a series of works highlighting the heritage and beauty of the Rainforest flora ,fauna, and its inhabitants - focusing on patterns colours, shape, light and shadow, here are some images of the process..thinking of titles can sometimes be tricky will the series be nature's gems?, emeralds, sapphires, rubies? or on losing paradise ?... Mmm needs working on!

The poetry of the earth is never dead, John Keats (1)

Bibliography/ ref