Thursday 31 July 2014


hey first I need to apologise for my lack of keeping in touch on my blog to be honest I have felt a little exhausted since nearing the end of my course and subsequently afterwards....I know its been a while and am so happy that people have still visited this site thankyou

At the moment I have been through a time of reflection and  distilling..... of grasping all I that  have been learning on my course over the last few years... it has been an amazing journey of all sorts of  struggle.. growth.. understanding.. grappling with the developing of ideas to do with fine art what it communicates/conveys what art theory is about and the exploring and using of an array of mediums to convey a message or an idea etc .... today I came across this quote and found it helpful and it inspired me to reconnect with my blog it is concerning the human condition...our human condition
here it is

 Vedantam puts it beautifully:
Good people are not those who lack flaws, the brave are not those who feel no fear, and the generous are not those who never feel selfish. Extraordinary people are not extraordinary because they are invulnerable to unconscious biases. They are extraordinary because they choose to do something about it.
found on brain pickings.....

The Hidden Brain: How Ocean Currents Explain Our Unconscious Social Biases


heres a little art from UCS 2014 degree show some work.. some ideas that emerged from the project.