Tuesday 9 July 2024

We are but star dust ..macro /micro

       It takes a whole  universe to make just one swift 🌟 Mark Cocker .

ATM..there are a number of ideas being worked on.. It can, at times feel like multitude of explorations- complex strands being weaved into the process all at once... past ideas re-emerging to fuse with present ones... Ideas that hold resonance on a personal level and feel significant in someway. Particularly when one encounters different perspectives. Articulating with words, on my part, often can lead to a sense of inadequacy -

Attempts to grapple with ideas based around environmentalism, ecology, philosophy, stoicism is ongoing. Concepts around cosmology is a most recent exploration...and it is vast! Dr Ervin Laszlo's work and explorations, has been a recent  discovery  that I find  both expansive and inspiring. Reading his book titled, Reconnecting to Source, based on peoples encounters into new dimensions of being. I look forward to his latest book, The Great Upshift. 

Also recent re-visiting of what is meant by " sacred balance". Which Dr David Suzuki, Scientist & environmentalist, explores in his enthralling succinct book titled, "The Sacred Balance", through which he shares his scientific insights, concerning  human activities impacts on both planet and people. Dr Suzuki's  in-depth study revealing, our inter-dependency on the natural elements; water, soil, sunlight and oxygen -  the breath of vegetation that sustains all life forms.... I'm reminded also of journalist writer, George Monbiots apt qoute highlighting the conditioning  of our disconnection....

 "Civilization is but a flimsy dust sheet thrown over our psyche rich in emotion and instinct,shaped by the living planet ". ref2. 

Our industrialised  mindset, endeavouring to comprehend alternative narratives, to what now is...Exploring what a  purposeful meaningful life and exsistance is as a human being. A great many writers, poets, artists whose journeys illuminate and inspire widening and expanding ..breaking through the conditioning of anthropic ways of being into an expansive whole  ...their works expressing timeless knowledge's resonate more than ever today. 


"The World lives within us ; we live within the world. By damaging the living  planet we  have diminished our exsistence" . George Monbiot, red 3.

Bird of the Amazon Rain
forest, The Spangled Cortinga.
 Symbiosis & Biodiversity. yf 14.

Books of interest Dr Ervin Laszlo "Reconnecting To Source" & "The Great UpShift"

Dr David Suzuki, "Sacred Balance "

ref 1 Mark Cocker quotation.

ref 2 . How Did We Get Into This Mess?George Monbiot Verso Books qoute Pg91 

ref 3 How Did We Get Into This Mess, George Monbiot, pg 93 Versso Books.

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