Sunday 3 December 2023

Displacement 2000 years on- Cop 28

 "Never use life forms merely as a means.  Remain conscious of their intrinsic value and dignity even when using them as resources. Arne Naess- Eco-Philosopher (r1 below)

                "All that is born on this planet has a right to live on it." Franz Krajcberg (2)

Today's group display at the Local library  - in conjunction with events of Cop28. Images , Letters to the Earth, Quotes  & Nature poems. 

Displacement and A Nativity scene.....2000 years on.             

Cop28 A nativity scene & Displacement 2000 years on.yf

Inspiration for the display ....Txai of the Amazon Rainforest

"My people have cherished this rainforest for 6000 years it's the greatest manifestation of life on the planet...."The Amazon has more species than the stars in the sky. " Txai.

"My father the Great chief, taught me that we must listen to the stars, the wind, the animals and the trees they are pleading with us now." Txai

Finding  resources for keeping on keeping on at times is challenging. Then a moment comes "out of the blue," Txai's Story of perseverance in the face of adversity that shakes one out of lethargy.

Unfinished yf  23
 Her wisdom and passion to advocate for the rights of indigenous communities along with other young people, is born out of realized catastrophic effects of both climate change and the drilling for oil in rainforests. The community lands have been devastated by climate change impacts. She is focused on raising awareness at Cop28 event.

"The Amazon is Earth's most intricate ecosystem. My people are part of that web. If the rainforest is under mortal attack, then so are we." Txai ref3

Txai and her people need to be heard and respected at Cop28 ...donations  to the Organization  Avaaz  - who continue to support Rainforest protection. ref3

Nativity Scene below charcoal image 

Meraylah 's image Protecting Angel embracing Earth 

Local letters to the Earth nature poems, quotes, hiku & images...
the butterfly - Swallow-tail - currently on the red list of 
endangered species.

Sketch book work Taxi yf

Descriptive ecologically related words 

Outside the Local library Cop28  display

Sketch book and rainforest images 

"The destruction of our rainforest land is terrible, because the forest is alive. It is our life, and the animals’ life. We don’t separate our existence from it, we are all one body and one being: the plants, water, trees and Yawanawá. When we see harm come to the rainforest, it is as if a part of our own body has been hurt. It feels like an illness that rises up in us and needs to be cured." Nixiwaka Yawanawá

Eden project- Nixiwaka Yawanawa ....was based at the eden project a few years ago as part of the rainforest projects.

ref 2 Deep ecology in the 21st C, by George Sessions editor,  pg 267 

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