Lao Tzu - Taoist Sage 600 BCE
Do you want to improve the world?. I don't think it can be done.
The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it. Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching, verse 29
Translated by Steven Mitchell -Published by Frances Lincoln Ltd. 2013
What is deep ecology? It can be understood as nature having intrinsic value in and of itself...rather than being a resource and commodity for human consumption alone.
Letters To The Earth.
Mid December we commenced with our next EARTH Collaboration, "Letters To The Earth." Originally initiated and inspired by Designer Vivienne Westwood. Resonating with many the Letters idea has gained a huge following, creating momentum toward the climate debates held at COP26. Countless thousands of letters have been written in the forms of poems, quotes and images concerning the global ecological crisis. And responding to the then COP26 conference in Glasgow Scotland : October-November 21. The inspirational "Letters" idea has resonated with many globally....
Our own local responses to "Earth Letters" emerged from the challenges and the initial outcomes of the COP26 event. Yet more needs to be addressed. In collaboration with a group of local people we started the next venture. Hiring the local library display window again to encourage the public to write their own "Letters To The Earth." below are images, poems, haikus and letters. We are grateful to"The Letters to Earth" team for their generous gesture of facilitation - enabling people to use their resources. We gained valuable insight into cultivating ideas and using them for a local display. Many more images may be added as time goes on.....
Meraylah Allwoods, painterly creations are stunning ethereal miniatures, Here enlarged She uses imagery as a way of expressing her deep connections to nature, the elements and seasons.Dwelling on a small holding. Meraylah uses methods of perma-culture when growing fruit and vegtables. This sustainable endeavour is a holistic approach, responsibly and ethically working with the land and natural environment.
This particular image, Earth Angel, is a beautiful example and depiction of that interconnection Meraylah experiences. The image centering on a serene cosmos style figure, whose loving embrace emulates a sense of care, being at one with the whole of nature, at one with all life forms on planet Earth. Meraylah incorporated a poem circling the figure, Earth Angel was the central image for our "Letters To The Earth" display.
If you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere- Vincent Van Gogh.
Library window displaying various creative works. Nearest image - a solitary oak tree silhouetted against a vibrant horizon, by Anna Badar. Anna's work emanates a serene, atmospheric quality, the light creating a sense of hope for deepening our connections to Earth. Anna is inspired by her Buddhist practice and from, the teachings of Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh,; his book, Love Letter to the Earth, is part of Anna's work in the display.
"Everyone of us regardless of nationality or faith can experience a feeling of admiration and love when we see the beauty of earth and the beauty of the cosmos." Thich Nhat Hanh pg 82, Love letter to The Earth., Parallax press.
Trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky- Khalil Gibran.
This stunning sculptural work was created - Mandy's inspired experience shared here...Shortly after the Ist Lockdown, walking along the beach I found myself drawn to the bleach discarded sticks cast by the waves - As I walked back through the marsh, I had a feeling of being a young boy taking sticks back to his tribe- When I got home I began to paint the sticks. Embracing discarded nothing and transforming it through the human touch into somthing. I offer the sticks as a blessing to Grandmother earth and all her worlds with gratitude for the gifts we receive from them. Amanda Erienbach.
This beautiful sculptural image - a globe shaped willow work entwined with the beauty of natures stores found feathers, shells and ivy leaves. A willow work by designer,
Diane Robinson, who makes lovely willow work - bird feeders and nest boxes etc.. It's great to have some willow craft, using intentionally sustainable and locally resourced materials.
This beautiful imagery was inspired by living creatures of our natural habitats... beautifully crafted by Chris Silver, this image looks like a real butterfly. Chris's watercolour paintings are intricate stunning life like replicas - A part of the wild species in our world ...we want to see protected...As Aldo Leopold stated ...we ( Humans) are a part of this sacred web of life - Yet our present dominion ever-increasing, highlights our alienation....Hope combined with positive actions lie in our restoration of the wild places.
The Night Runners
Not quite prepared
for things auspicious
we press the small Skoda
east along the river road
bound for a sing-up,some
cake and verses to herald
in the winter solstice...
And we collide almost,
wide-eyed in the darkness
with a leash of five young hinds
their wetted pelts a-shine
bright silver in the halogen;
all that is grace and beauty
etched on the north wind
So soon they melt away
to leave us wanting,
empty and bereft, thirsty
for more, a further taste
on this road or some other;
a final sip perhaps
before the cup is dry.
Mike Bannister.
A Haiku
Eastern Sun Rising
Bird Song Wakens Slumbering Earth
Red Berries On Twigs. yf
Up coming Event starts in February half term we focus on trees and their intrinsic place on our planet. Art poems stories and nature trails will be on display!
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