Environmental art work ...
We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been travelling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road - the one less travelled by - offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth. Rachel Carson Silent Spring . 1960 (ref below)
Altered Perceptions yf 2017 |
This series is part of an ongoing environmental project. Titled, " Altered Perceptions", the work consists of themed mixed media painting's. I work on paper and various size square canvases.The square shape suits the imagery in the series. Each piece is inscribed with the phrase, " Human kind we are but one thread...all things connect.". The images portray a solitary bird or butterfly. A collaged photo embedded into a vibrant abstracted space. By juxtapositioning of natural v unnatural emphasises the predicament, precarity and alienation of a creature from the origins of its former natural habitat. In this era of the anthropecene we are begining to realise the consequence and are experiencing increasingly the impact of unrestrained human activity on fragile eco-systems.
My recent project specialises in the effects of pesticide use on wildlife habitats and the consequential impact this has on eco-systems we depend on. By highlighting the unforseen and often detrimental knock on effect these pollutants have on humans,I hope to convey the precarious realities we face and to consider how we can proactivley discover new ways of reconnecting to the web of life in sustainable ways. Having a keen interest in this subject leads me to pay particular attention to how human activity impacts our planetary systems. These aspects influence the themes I explore.
New works larger scale.
The images were inspired by Rachel Carson's seminal conservation book titled, "Silent Spring". Her in depth research in the 1960's, revealed the detrimental effects of industrial farming and pesticide use, had upon bird populations. Fifty years on however, we are still experiencing the ongoing consequences of industrial chemicals and pesticide pollution has on land, in rivers and ecosystems- resulting in the unsustainable effects on wildlife and their habitats.
Most recently I have been working on 2 larger scale images this has been an interesting experience as I often work medium size scale
Inadvertently ordering wrong size canvas- expecting 90cm x 90cm, I felt out of my depth - canvases are not cheap!
The images show the progress of the larger scale. Smaller images show the scale comparisons ( :
2 new works above in process..part of
Altered Perceptions series,scale
142x142cm Mixed media , yf 2020 |
I start working by dripping melted wax on to the canvas....so certain areas of the ground will eventually add a textured effect within the images. I intuitively work applying acrylic washes responding to colours and textures as forms in the work start to emerge. I gradually manipulate certain areas whilst allowing other sections to naturally blend and fuse with other colours. After drying more layers are energetically added to the composition. I use oil pastels and ink on various areas, it is a very organic, spontaneous, action lead process...The imagery at the side and below show the process of each works development, so far...I am aiming to show a body of these works in a gallery space this coming year. And hope to finish another 8 various sized images. Bringing the total body of work to approximately 20.
Close up detail of new work yf 2020 |
Close up detail of new work yf 2020 |
The close up detail of the work will continue over the next few weeks finally the works will be varnished to protect the paint.
Image shows the different scale. The latest
works are 142x142cm. part of Altered
perception series 20 |
Image showing the different scale. The
Latest works are 142x142cm. 2020 |
Ref Rachel Carson Silent Spring .