A-N blog page recent work and ideas
Yvonne Forster, 'experimenting with form and colour for sea/horizon', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'experimenting with form and colour for sea/horizon', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
Yesterday Guest speaker Maggi Hambling came into talk and answer questions concerning aspects of being an artist I was glad to have gone along, as it re-enforced and inspired me to keep moving on in experimenting with ideas emerging, concerning my project based on observations of both the near Shoreline and the far Horizon sea/sky scape. At present I am working on ideas for paintings on canvas for the horizon and more detailed works of print work lino,etching, collograph forms for shoreline along with an idea for hand sculpture see blog image last week.
There were some aspects of the talk that resonated with me as I find my own way forward.
The first point I was encouraged by was ...
All art is therapy - painting is a way of expressing and dealing with things...( this reminded me of Alain de Botton's ideas and theories on art as a therapeutic form... see past blogs)
Marc Rothko looked at life and death in his work ...this for me connected with my looking at the contrast of recent ending of one project and the beginning's of a new one via past childhood memories, and my present reconnecting with aspects in seascape/ nature concerning horizons where sea and sky meet.
sun rise, sun set context..beginnings and endings night/ day etc...)
What happens in life dictates What one paints ...(shifts in my project I didn't expect it to lead me into considering a different form and context ...its ok to move on if things are not working out( the timing may not be appropriate)
Being so moved by something events, images in the media, you express it through art( its ok to respond to events that touch you...)
Be your own critic...(yes ok but be open to the opinions of others constructive critiques...they can be valuable)
Have a conversation with your work...(new terrain to work on!)
Be open to all art forms (encouraging.. as I love many forms and expressions of art and what it conveys) "Art washes away the dust of everyday life," as Picasso said!
Be true to yourself...be yourself.(be strong to believe in own capabilities.)
So from these gems of wisdom! and a realisation time is moving on, today I have been busy working with acrylic washes and concentrated acrylic mainly dealing with the horizon on small and larger scale A3 and A2 paper and sketch boo- see images
Concentrating on the effects of layering washes over one another using turquoise, pthhalo blue (not sure if this blue works with the main colours will get Robin's advise on blue ) vermilion orange, indian yellow, and yellow hue (the latter is very vibrant!)
I am attempting to incorporate a luminosity, haze, aura, to draw the eye to a focal place on the horizon at the moment. The experiments are quite visually busy, both in colour and form (too many lines) so therefore not very cathartic or therapeutic which is what I am aiming for as i also attempt to produce larger scale works on canvas..
I have been using my hands and some sponges as a method and technique of applying paint to create a smoother effect than brush recently. I also use damp clothes to take away excess paint and to create a softer effect... when the work is dry I use a scourer to create a distressed effect in the work .
Yvonne Forster, 'as above', Acrylic paint, 2014. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: N/A.
# 25 [4 March 2014]
Transitions toward a therapeutic art that re -connects us with the natural world in order to allow time to recover, reflect, and escape the business of the everyday ..." a time to stop and stare."Yesterday Guest speaker Maggi Hambling came into talk and answer questions concerning aspects of being an artist I was glad to have gone along, as it re-enforced and inspired me to keep moving on in experimenting with ideas emerging, concerning my project based on observations of both the near Shoreline and the far Horizon sea/sky scape. At present I am working on ideas for paintings on canvas for the horizon and more detailed works of print work lino,etching, collograph forms for shoreline along with an idea for hand sculpture see blog image last week.
There were some aspects of the talk that resonated with me as I find my own way forward.
The first point I was encouraged by was ...
All art is therapy - painting is a way of expressing and dealing with things...( this reminded me of Alain de Botton's ideas and theories on art as a therapeutic form... see past blogs)
Marc Rothko looked at life and death in his work ...this for me connected with my looking at the contrast of recent ending of one project and the beginning's of a new one via past childhood memories, and my present reconnecting with aspects in seascape/ nature concerning horizons where sea and sky meet.
sun rise, sun set context..beginnings and endings night/ day etc...)
What happens in life dictates What one paints ...(shifts in my project I didn't expect it to lead me into considering a different form and context ...its ok to move on if things are not working out( the timing may not be appropriate)
Being so moved by something events, images in the media, you express it through art( its ok to respond to events that touch you...)
Be your own critic...(yes ok but be open to the opinions of others constructive critiques...they can be valuable)
Have a conversation with your work...(new terrain to work on!)
Be open to all art forms (encouraging.. as I love many forms and expressions of art and what it conveys) "Art washes away the dust of everyday life," as Picasso said!
Be true to yourself...be yourself.(be strong to believe in own capabilities.)
So from these gems of wisdom! and a realisation time is moving on, today I have been busy working with acrylic washes and concentrated acrylic mainly dealing with the horizon on small and larger scale A3 and A2 paper and sketch boo- see images
Concentrating on the effects of layering washes over one another using turquoise, pthhalo blue (not sure if this blue works with the main colours will get Robin's advise on blue ) vermilion orange, indian yellow, and yellow hue (the latter is very vibrant!)
I am attempting to incorporate a luminosity, haze, aura, to draw the eye to a focal place on the horizon at the moment. The experiments are quite visually busy, both in colour and form (too many lines) so therefore not very cathartic or therapeutic which is what I am aiming for as i also attempt to produce larger scale works on canvas..
I have been using my hands and some sponges as a method and technique of applying paint to create a smoother effect than brush recently. I also use damp clothes to take away excess paint and to create a softer effect... when the work is dry I use a scourer to create a distressed effect in the work .
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