"It has always been my understanding that truth and freedom can only exist in wild places" -Daniel J. Rice. Ref below
Works in progress- researching ideas into sketch books.

Art journaling is a great way to get ideas together. Using mind mapping I find is particularly helpful - it enables me to get my thoughts onto paper, then reflect on information I've been focusing on. Sketching then kick starts the creativity. To the right is a recent sketch that combines art created in response to the words of an inspirational poem... Having come across Wendell Berry 's evocative nature poetry . ( see ref below)...his poem "The peace of wild things" is magical... enabling me to consider what experiencing deep ecology could mean.....Being connected. Finding solace in nature... Being at One with nature seeing oneself as a part ....To create the image, I wrote down the poem - which resonated, then worked in the layers with water colour washes,ink and pencil over the words ...Reflecting on quotes and poetry..helps me to be open and responsive creatively, stirring imagination and deepening one's personal perspectives, responses and appreciation of the message within....Much like the D.Rice quote above....when lost in sketching ..there is a sense of being free- in a different form of existence...particularly when attempting to articulate some aspect within the realm of nature.
These sketches below, show some of my original plans
initial thoughts and ideas. Again using mind - map techniques its a great tool for exploring and forming ideas, ...which particular parts of info are relevant for me to use.Adding information about the researchers and artists to my sketch books is a great way to get me inspired and recall what has been researched. My Art sketch book is like a diary, for art thoughts.
Here, again I jot thoughts about the
Work I hope to create, what mediums
Canvas shape...Often I like to working with
square canvas the shape seems more relevant
to my work than the landscape/portrait shape.
Found Rachel Carson quote ref3 ..... "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will ensure as long as life lasts " ref 3
Ref1 The Wilderness Cure. Mo Wilde, , publishers - Simon&Schuster,Daniel J. Rice. Author of "This side Of Wilderness"
Ref 2 - Wendell Berry Poet Laurett. poetry book - "The Peace of WildThings"
Ref 3- The Wilderness Cure . Mo Wilde, publishers - Simon &Schuster. pg 296 Rachel Carson quote.