Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Images for the Cop 26 Display

 "Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison, by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Einstein. ref1

Maybe a time is coming to re-imagine - to set in motion, a new way of being...An alternative narrative to outdated models present societies have become conditioned to imbibe. Past principles which set in motion human ideologies of dominion over the natural world through the subjugation of all other species. As we now experience the effects of current unsustainabilty, caused by anthropecene degradation and depleation of Earths natural resources - unable to imagine future consequences these actions might entail. Humans... we only exist because we are part of the whole earth-system. For a few hundred years we have lived acting like we own the place. Its time to take responsibility. To creatively shift to new value and belief systems. Ones holistic and in harmony with the ecosystems on the planet ...Its time for an Ecological Civilization to emerge - Anon.

Carbon foot print reductions by Governments.

Presently I am working on images for the COP26 event being held October 31st into November 2021. Working in collaboration with Diane and Meraylah. We intend to draw on our diverse range of creative skills in order to display them in a public library. The works will be exhibited in conjunction with the COP26 event in Glasgow U.K. We hope to draw attention localy to the crucial dilemmas we face concerning the climate change - Global Governments will discuss how each intend to deal with their countrys fossil fuel emissions in order to reduce the global carbon foot print - For ongoing,sustainable and enduring life on this planet.

"To regain our full humanity...we have to regain our experience of connectedness with the entire web of life. "  Fritjof Capra, Visionary Systems Thinker. ref 2  


21st C, Mother & Child, charcoal/paper. yf.

                  The intention to work with charcoal on 
                 paper  as away to express  the on going plight &  displacement experienced                   
                 by Amazonian  people,  As the act of deforestation
                 by fire  occurs - the aftermath ...charred remains. 
We Are Creating a New World yf
Part of Forest, Civilization, Desert, yf

                                                         Scorched, Eleventh Hour,mixedmedia yf

Displacement mixed media, yf 2013

References 1,2. from The Web Of Meaning, By Jeremy Lent. 2021 pg 118-119