Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams (1)
Exploring playing with and developing ideas...
Last Autumn I was working on a water colour image - having been Inspired by the abundance of sunflowers that seemed to be everywhere, I decided to combined a portrait head and shoulders of Botticelli's Birth of Venus image, with the poem Ahh Sunflowers by William Blake - I then incorporated the ideas into the portrait of Venus surrounded by sunflowers resulting in the image below ....I enjoy the idea of creating work that involves nature - the natural environment and humanity in sync one with the other.
Later I then started thinking of using the image as a print design for cushion cover this resulted with a cushion embossed with the image on it...
Toward the end of last year some original works I had produced in 2016 have now been made into giclee prints - such as those below....The Rainforest images were part of a series of works inspired by the natural beauty and a celebration of the abundance of life found deep in these forests. I am conscious of the effects of man upon the natural environment and those ensuing effects- causing fragility to ecosystems, which future generations are dependant upon.
Original Rainforest image part of giclee collection |
Rainforest image now part of giclee |
Original Rainforest now part of giclee collection |
Original image now part of giclee collection |
Original Rainforest- now part of giclee 's
The portrait works were developed out of ideas emerging from a the theme based exhibition YUM! in 2016 - held at the Freudian Sheep Gallery Ipswich.
Original watercolour- part of giclee collection |
Original watercolour- part of giclee collection |
Original watercolour- part of giclee collection |
The original images exhibited at the gallery
“When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.”
— John Muir (3)
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