Images and ideas and aspects of art I am currently working on is a more reflective approach to looking at art... Philosopher Alain de Botton describes as Art as therapy...he describes how "Art can save your soul." Botton says in the 19th C we are no longer able to bring our fears and anxieties into the Modern Cathedral(of Culture).Going on he says..."Art is a vehicle through which we can do such things as.. recover, hope, develop empathy,laugh, and wonder. see his talk below.....on ted
I have also been researching artist Claude Monet whose large scale works (some) were given to the French Nation after the 1st world war and were considered as works to heal the nation after the traumas of the war, though I have never seen these ... works in the Gallery one hears that their scale creates a sense of immersion, and a sense of calm and peace is evoked, taking the viewer out of the stresses and demands of modern day life.