Tuesday, 9 December 2014



                                          EASTERN SUN RISING
                                        BIRD SONG WAKENS SLUMBERING EARTH

                                         RED BERRIES ON TWIGS


Berry Morning;  Photo yvonne  2011

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

An Artists Alternative Viewpoint


Received link below; an interesting analysis about consumerism from 1955 which still applies today... probably even more so as societies and culture are ever increasingly entrenched or even entranced...dazzled by adverts from tv media, magazines, billboards, shops, etc... reminds me of Artist Barbara Kruger whose work attempts to disrupt this contemporary discourse, allowing the viewer to question the dominant one dimensional media push for a perpetual consumption orientated society which only leaves the individual with the malaise of wanting more of that which can never really or completely satisfy or fullfill our human needs.
Over balance of material consumption seems to numb and rob the individual of the dynamic potential as human beings; which is to be creative from within, to explore,express to communicate and interact with others in a deeper more dynamic fulfilling way.
Have we possibly lost the art of what being human is? are we dehumanised by the trance and effects of consumer materialism?
However as mentioned earlier Barbara Kruger's work enables us to consider an alternative; through challenging our viewpoint.  Images photomontage, I Shop therefore I Am and Remote Control by Barbara Kruger.





Monday, 10 November 2014

Continuation in exploring and developing pastel techniques in portraiture

Over the last few weeks I have continued to develop skills in drawing portraits with a model.
Our tutor is inspirational and encourages to push our skills; greatly focusing on detail.
We have a new model every three weeks I have been keeping a more in depth photo diary... the recent  model is particularly interesting...her vibrant dotty top added an extra challenge and is visually stimulating.
Liz is enabling me to develop an awareness toward deepening my observational skills concerning proportion, colour, light, and shadow... the images are a work in progress.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

The last few weeks....

Into the sixth session of a 12 week portraiture course in Norwich with tutor Liz Balkwill,
going back to my roots in developing and improving techniques...here are some sketches charcoal and pastel work being developed at the moment...



Friday, 26 September 2014

Reflecting on the Iceland trip

Back from our Iceland trip...moments to remember

A trip to Iceland was a tremendous adventure and a stimulating cultural experience. Even from the moment the plane took off we were lucky enough to sit next to Porhildur an Icelandic lady whom we gained lots of helpful tips first hand about the culture,what to look out for and things to do!thanks to Porhildur! The people were very amiable, both interesting and interested so we felt like we hit the ground running when we got to Reykjavik!.

Reykjavik its self is a surprisingly small quaint city, that had a both a buzz and calm atmospheric feel. The people were laid back and friendly. Its vibrant café culture consisted of cosy cafes such as the enegmatic Cafe  Babalou. And bar's ( such as The big Lebowski... yes the samename as the film) Resteraunt's such as Glo's Vegetarian cuisine, with its tasty soups of varying types.

Reykjavik felt a safe and chilled out place to explore, particularly enhanced by its quirky buildings and cosy houses that were colourfully painted in reds, greens, blues...all shades and colours!.

A trip out into the amazing wilds was accompanied by a great tour guide with lots of interesting stories about Icelandic culture- it's history, volcano eruptions too!, (not Bardarbunga) Hot thermal springs and huge waterfalls... interesting facts, such as in Iceland they grow... bananas...well I didn't know that.. The word Geysir is an actual place where the main hot springs put on a show of fantastical eruptions bubbling up form the ground.Geysir is now a known name, given to all hot spring eruptions.
The strong Icelandic horse is the only breed of  horse. No other breeds are permitted. Once  a horse leaves this island. Legally its nolonger permitted back, this keeps the horses free from any external diseases.

The land scape is awe inspiring. It is vast, wild, and desolate: Yet at the same time is hauntingly beautiful, this was a trip to remember.

On out coach trip we stopped off  at places of natrual beauty.Although it was a 6 hour trip it was worth every moment...As you will see in the photos. We  even passed over the place where the north america and eurasia plates meet - where the ground has dramatically sunk due to the plates shifting. The guide gave us a fascinating talk on this. We actualy saw this! One thing I came away with is an impression of how connected to nature that Icelandic people seem to be, because of the rawness, its ruggedness and the unpredictability of volcanoes eruptions... being what the people live with it made me aware of how disconnected one can be from the natrual elements of nature in say Europe...If you have seen the film,  Oblivion, the scenery gives you some idea of the depiction of Icelands ruggedness... Oblivion was filmed in Iceland.

Iceland has become my favorite island in the sea! The people, culture and natural world made this a great experience. Now I hope to create some art work in the future...I would love to go back one day.

The same evening we went on a Northern Lights hunt tour, alas although there were yells of delight from the tourists at the first sighting of the lights, they were hidden by low clouds which in one sense brought me back to reality... thankfully somethings man can't control in nature or get all s/ he wishes!

 I have come home with so many questions too! things to research and find out about...even things that seem a bit trivial like  becoming aware that the only birds I saw were starlings ,are there sparrows and blackbirds in Iceland? ( I am a bird fan thanks to my dad when I was a kid ) and there seemed to be a lot of images of crows in shops any way enough rambling here's some photos....

Saturday, 13 September 2014


Up and coming northern lights.... 

Soon flying out to Reykjavik hoping to catch a glimmer of the  Northern lights and other natural phenomenon's ! and to bring back some photo images for the blog...having said that 300 miles away from Reykjavik the Bardarbunga Volcano continues to erupt !! so will have my camera at the ready! be back next weekend ttfn.

Aurora Borealis

  by: Nellie Seelye Evans (????-1929)


There is a flower of climate rare
That never bloomed for me,
I searched the wood, I searched the moor,
I robbed the emerald sea.

Alone upon an icy coast,
By Arctic's hem it grows,
Its beauty is intoxicant
To those who brave the snows.

But when the Bear shines clear and high
I dream of Polar night.
Wherein this wondrous flower blooms
In sheaves of rainbow light.             

   More poems by Nellie Seelye Evans

Read more at http://www.blackcatpoems.com/e/aurora_borealis.html#VuXawHVmZSoPAFJp.99

Monday, 8 September 2014



Over the last week

I have been simultaneously looking ahead and taking stock of the art work that I have produced over the last few years, it's valuable to see a pattern emerging from the work, most of which is based around my tendancey to respond to situations, particularly socio-political issues, or a story that in someway catches my attention - that I have felt a connection with, which has then stimulated me to create work. One of those moments emerged after researching the story of Chico Mendes; a courageous Brazilian man who stood up for the rights of Brazilian rubber plant workers in the 1960s - 70s ( this can be read on a previous blog) the paintings medium is acrylic
Chico Mendes and the Brazil nut Tree
The image also has the famous Brazil nut tree; a symbol of Brazil.
The tree is classed as protected so when deforestation occurs it is illegal to cut or burn it down, ironically it does eventually die because of the destruction to the eco system around it... The tree cannot grow in many other places because it needs a certain type of bee and orchid for it to pollinate Brazil nut's are incredibly nutritious containing selenium which aides wellbeing... This image came into being through this story. the intension of painting it blue was done as a symbolic reference point and an act in recognition of the chaos caused by deforestation, also as a poignant reminder of the cause and effects upon the rain forest by man.

Another piece of work created was in response to the plight/reaction of the indigenous peoples facing imminent displacement from their ancestral home, where they have lived for generations. The image shows a family group taken from a photo image and worked in charcoal the use of charcoal being significant as it is made from burnt /charred wood.

The last image in acrylic and mixed media was created in response to researched images of the devastation created by fires used in deforestation.The image shows the smouldering remains and aftermath of fire.

These works were informed by my work and collaboration with the World Land Trust in 2013, I hope to show other work developed in the next blog.                  

Monday, 1 September 2014

Inspirations...a Day in the life of..."everyone's an artist".

Inspirations.... a day in the life of one of those everyone's an artist.... persons !
Me 1/9/14

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller

I know we can all have,  one of those particularly 'crapola' days...when the sun glasses go on, not necessarily because it's sunny outside but because it's a little rainy on the inside,! all we want to do is hide away.
Anyhow I faced the elements today going down to the shops with the sun glasses securely ON.. .to face the elements, the crowds, hoping no one could detect that all wasn't sunshine n roses ha!.
I like to get along with folk as we all do, and consider myself as a listeny sort normally... but today,... after a few knocks recently which had left me raggled - not a nice place...But I am able to tell this tale because some amazing inspiring things happened on my journey to the shops...As per usual one sees people and the 'heys', 'hi's', 'fine', kick in then, I saw Jo (pseudo name) who was recovering from major illness...we smiled, hey hi and we gave each other a high Five, " oh I've got cold hands today!...I said, yet as he passed he said yes but a warm heart... his words were a soothing balm to my 'ragged' soul, the timely kindness of another's words of which I'm sure we've all experienced at some point, I carried on shopping then realised my favourite band  were playing over the tannoy U2 the song,
Me at U2 concert 2010
"Where the streets have no name",  I felt was someone was watching over me... lifting me... then I had a chat with the checkout lady about how
incredibly inspiring I found U2, and reminisced on my trip to Croke Park in Dublin in 2010, WOW it had been AMAZING!... also because U2s inspiration back then it led me on into studying over the last few years for my degree... which has been an incredible Journey! this opened up the story and the lady went on to tell me, about her daughter who also loved U2 but missed seeing them last time they toured...by the end of the conversation we were both COMMITED to getting hold of U2 tickets when they next tour...(So come on U2 guys tickets please... we need a tour !!
So yes I am now back home writing this blog and U2 are on in the back ground... If your not feeling particularly on top at the moment be kind to you.

“Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement – and we will make the goal. “ – Jerome Fleishman

Read more: http://www.keepinspiring.me/encouraging-quotes/#ixzz3fBtAt6Qy


 Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Got inspired to do photoshop  on some images I took from 2012 student march London