Displacement |
Here are images part of a recent Exhibition I was able to get involved with.It was run by Ipswich Refugee Council for the 'Refugee Week' in
June 2013 the work I was able to Exhibit was based on recent work done at the World Land Trust looking at aspects of deforestation and its effects on indigenous people groups the piece of work is about Displacement.The exhibition was held at Endeavour House Ipswich
The World Land Trust
RESTORATION Showing the work WLT do involving replanting projects |
Chico Mendes and the Brazil Nut Tree |
Forest Civilization Desert |
The works that are on my blog are from recent exhibitions that I have been able to get involved with .
Through doing my Professional Practice module with the World land Trust has enabled me to gain confidence and experience to create a further exhibition with the World Land Trust. Through researching and gaining further understanding I have gone on to produce works in painting and a sculpture installation the photos taken here showing aspects of the installed work and give an idea of the space in a front window of the WLT offices .I have gained valuable experience doing my Professional Development with the Trust.
Displacement |